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I finally graduated from nursing school with an Associate’s Degree (2 year degree).  I was ecstatic.  But now I had to find a job.  And wouldn’t you know that of all of the places that were experiencing a nursing shortage, I’d be in the one place that WASN’T having much of a shortage!!  Yeah, I interviewed for three jobs and got two out of three offers.  I ended up taking the third offer.  It was an hour and a half interview.  I got all kinds of wild questions which included:  “What do YOU think the pillars of nursing are?”  and “Tell me about a time when you have deviated from policy.”  Yeah.  Are these like trap questions or what?!  I bombed the first interview having no idea of how to answer these types of questions.  I don’t believe anything really prepared me for this part.   I wish that my school had given a one day seminar or something of the like to help us with interviewing. 

So, my first job was to work nights on a medical-surgical floor.  I swore up and down I was not going to work on a med-surg floor and I was CERTAINLY not going to work nights.  Guess what….I did both. 

Thought you might be interested….

Can you believe these new simulator patients that students are now using? If you haven't seen these, click here to see a video of how this works. Man, I wish we'd had this when I was in school!

I would have NEVER thought this was true

Everybody knows the "sexpert" Dr. Ruth, right? Did you know that she used to be a sniper in Isreal? yeah! Check it out here.


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